Why Are You in Theater?

Why Are You in Theater?

​​I know it’s not for the money. So… what’s your why? Part of the privilege of teaching theater on a college level is the constant re-evaluation of the art form as it shape-shifts through human history. For the Greeks it was an integral part of the social experiment...
Do I Need a Star?

Do I Need a Star?

The Need for Stars?   “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” – Steve Martin Writing a play and then staying the course to see it produced is a daunting task. It requires tremendous focus and 100% dedication to each step in the developmental process. Once you think...
Make Submissions Easy

Make Submissions Easy

‘Tis the (Submission) Season   Ah, the coolness of the air, the crisp sound of the leaves rustling underfoot. It’s the time of non-profit galas galore and Christmas party networking. For playwrights and librettists, it’s also the season of submissions. I’m sorry...
Story vs. Plot

Story vs. Plot

Where in the Story Does Your Plot Start?   A discussion about the difference between plot vs. story is anything but an academic question. Instead, like most talks about structure, how a plot is designed defines how the audience experiences the story. An early...